The Organic Thanksgiving

With holidays here . I get a little crazy. Why is it all the woman’s job to handle the housework, kids, gifts,parties.Plus in my case also the gardens and a job.? Boy do I ever sound like the complaining wife. But this is so hard to master. I try to go really...

Sourdough Bread

About two years and  ago my good friend Laura, a talented , ever inquisitive chef, gardener, doctor , acupuncturist etc. all around good buddy,  decided to  take the worlds best class. A professional baking class , working with naturally leavened breads baked in a...

Weekly CSA box

Yesterday, garbed in rain gear, unfortunately not my rain overalls, I joyfully picked a huge box of veggies for a CSA client. Artichokes, purple onions, acorn squash, yukon gold potatoes, hard neck garlic, mizuna, red russian kale, rainbow swiss chard, bull’s...

Fifteen years old

This picture is a few weeks ago and now this area is much more organized. But here’s the reality of the mess when my husband was hand mixing all the concrete for the floor. Tonight my middle daughter is having the first birthday party she’s ever really...