by katie | Dec 9, 2011 | Uncategorized
Barbara H. Peterson Farm Wars Here we go again folks. It’s that time of year when we show our holiday spirit by plunging headlong, eyes wide shut, into personal debt to support China and other countries while our own America slides further into economic chaos. But...
by katie | Dec 9, 2011 | Uncategorized
Nov 30 Mothers, Acting As ‘Agents,’ To Defy FDA Warning Translation Against FDA Prohibitions, Freedom Riders Will Publicly Distribute over 100 gallons of Raw Milk to Waiting Mothers! Raw Milk Freedom Riders Chicago, IL—On December 8, a group of mothers and others will...
by katie | Dec 8, 2011 | Uncategorized
Thank you for being patient with me. I served twenty five people thirteen meals all locally sourced or grown by us for our Thanksgiving this year. It wiped me out, then I got really sick. Finally baking again, Fridays only for awhile. This week : Vermont Country...
by katie | Nov 30, 2011 | Farming, Fine Gardening, Gardening, Organic Gardening, Self sustainability, Uncategorized, Vegetable Gardening
As we walked by the dining room, the sounds of thirty young men chanting “Ram Yam Kham, Om Ah Hum” with their deep resonant voices came flowing through the windows. The sound went down into my heart and I stood there shaking. We three, twenty year old...
by katie | Oct 27, 2011 | Uncategorized
Baking Day Friday October 28th If any of you would like bread, I will drop off around noon, at Kugooles shed/ community mkt. Point Arena, and Natasha’s Flower Mkt . in Gualala. Or if you’ve normally gotten deliveries from me I will deliver to you . Specify...